There Is Truth Here: Creativity and Resilience in Children’s Art from Indian Residential and Day...
There Is Truth Here: Creativity and Resilience in Children’s Art from Indian Residential and Day Schools Andrea Walsh 2018- ongoing...
Where Are the Children?
Where Are the Children? Jeff Thomas 2014-15 Calgary, Alberta Exhibition Where Are the Children: Healing the...
Witness: Art and Canada's Indian Residential Schools
Witness: Art and Canada's Indian Residential Schools Various Artists curated by Geoffrey Carr, Dana Claxton, Tarah Hogue, Shelly...
La Piel de la Memoria (The Skin of Memory)
La Piel de la Memoria (The Skin of Memory) Suzanne Lacy and Pilar Riaño-Alcalá 1999 Medellin, Columbia Social practice...
A Harlem Nocturne
A Harlem Nocturne Deanna Bowen 2019 Vancouver, British Columbia Exhibition A Harlem...
Souvenir, Talisman, Toy
Souvenir, Talisman, Toy Erica Lehrer 2013 Krakow, Poland Community-based project and exhibition Erica Lehrer's...
We Were So Far Away
We Were So Far Away Heather Igloliorte 2008-10 Turtle Island/Canada Exhibition We Were So Far Away is a...
Memory Keepers I, II, and III
Memory Keepers I, II, and III GLAM Collective et al. 2018-2019 Mi'kma'ki | Tiohtià:ke Exhibition and residency series...
Facing the Monumental
Facing the Monumental Rebecca Belmore 2018 Turtle Island/Canada Exhibition The traveling exhibition Facing the...