De tu Puño y Letra (By Your Own Hand)
De tu Puño y Letra (By Your Own Hand) Suzanne Lacy 2015 Quito, Ecuador Social practice Riaño-Alcalá, Pilar....
Inuit Revitalization Project
Inuit Revitalization Project Hovak A. Johnston 2016-ongoing Turtle Island Traditional tattooing
The Holocaust as Active Memory: The Past in the Present
Lenz, Claudia, Marie Lousie Seeberg, and Irene Levin. The Holocaust as Active Memory: The Past in the Present. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate...
Earthline Tattoo Collective
Earthline Tattoo Collective Jordan Bennett, Dion Kaszas, Quill Christie-Peters, Amberley John, and Audie Murray 2015-present Turtle...