Hogan's Alley
Hogan's Alley Cornelia Wyngaarden and Andrea Fatona 1994 Vancouver, BC Courtesy of Video Out Distribution Video...
Where Are the Children?
Where Are the Children? Jeff Thomas 2014-15 Calgary, Alberta Exhibition https://jeff-thomas.ca/ Where Are the Children: Healing the...
Memory and Postwar Memorials: Confronting the Violence of the Past
Silberman, Marc, and Florence Vatan, eds. Memory and Postwar Memorials: Confronting the Violence of the Past. London: Palgrave Macmillan,...
Witness: Art and Canada's Indian Residential Schools
Witness: Art and Canada's Indian Residential Schools Various Artists curated by Geoffrey Carr, Dana Claxton, Tarah Hogue, Shelly...
The Afronautic Research Lab
The Afronautic Research Lab Camille Turner 2016-ongoing Bonavista, Newfoundland and Labrador Research-creation project and exhibition...
Seize This Space
Seize This Space Jeff Thomas 2000-11 Ottawa, Ontario Photography https://jeff-thomas.ca/ Seize the Space was a long-term, participatory...
“Between Memory and History: Les Lieux de Mémoire”
Nora, Pierre. “Between Memory and History: Les Lieux de Mémoire.” Représentations, no. 26 (1989): 7-24. Available on JStor with...
La Piel de la Memoria (The Skin of Memory)
La Piel de la Memoria (The Skin of Memory) Suzanne Lacy and Pilar Riaño-Alcalá 1999 Medellin, Columbia Social practice...
A Harlem Nocturne
A Harlem Nocturne Deanna Bowen 2019 Vancouver, British Columbia Exhibition http://www.deannabowen.ca/ https://canadianart.ca/ A Harlem...
Souvenir, Talisman, Toy
Souvenir, Talisman, Toy Erica Lehrer 2013 Krakow, Poland Community-based project and exhibition http://www.luckyjews.com/ Erica Lehrer's...